Learn to arrest with a baton and defend against a knife

Written on the 8 December 2023

Learn to arrest with a baton and defend against a knife


Recently we had a group of students attend a grading test in the short range GIANT weapon systems of Knife and Police Baton.

The short stick police baton (approx 45cm) is used in law enforcement, security and military all over the world! Experience the effectiveness of a simple self defence weapon that can save your life. A short stick can be imitated by a timber baton, steel ruler, music recorder, small pipe or mini umbrella. Learn how to strike, block, throw, lock and choke with this weapon.

The knife defence system (approx 30cm) tests a student's approach to an attacker with a knife. These skills included self defence with empty hand against a knife as well as knife against knife sparring.

Congratulations to everyone who passed their new ranks! Special mention to Jeremy C on his Red Chevron weapon system rank.

Click here to view the all time weapon student ranks


More photos on Facebook

See highlights of the recent grading here:






View more videos on Knife & Short Stick weapons:



The next course is the very dynamic Nunchaku.


If you would like more information on our weapon systems click this link. All GIANT Weapon systems are endorsed by Coach Raymond Floro and Master Young-Seol Ryoo.



GIANT Martial Arts is not responsible for any physical harm or damage from the use or misuse of self-defence weapons purchased from us.

By purchasing a self-defence weapon, you understand that GIANT Martial Arts does not warrant that you may legally purchase, possess, or carry these products according to any state or local laws. You also acknowledge that you have determined their legality before purchasing and that you are an adult of at least 18 years of age and under no legal disability.

By purchasing a self-defence weapon, GIANT Martial Arts, the buyer warrants that he/she is in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding the purchase, ownership and use of the item. The buyer expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless GIANT Martial Arts for all claims resulting directly or indirectly from the purchase, ownership and use of the item in compliance or violation of federal state and local laws or regulations.

Please check local laws before ordering any self-defence weapon.

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“There is a little GIANT inside everybody
170 Stoney Creek Rd,
Bexley NSW 2207
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