Adult Green Belt Syllabus

"Congratulations on passing the Beginner level and welcome to the Intermediate level colours of the GIANT Hapkido syllabus" The Green belt level begins by covering hip and leg step throwing drills. Grappling movements and submissions from the Turtle position. Continue on vital strikes and introduction to kickboxing combinations, progressing kicking techniques with "hopping" concepts. Getting comfortable at the jumping level for falling skills. Continuing on standing submissions, throwing concepts and ground control. Continue on self defence from common front clothing and belt grabs. You will learn to execute these situations with a variety of the submission and throwing concepts you have already studied. We also look to break through barriers by having you commit to your first "Board Break" with a Side Kick strike. Go train!
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“There is a little GIANT inside everybody
170 Stoney Creek Rd,
Bexley NSW 2207
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